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Financial Literacy Program

Financial literacy is the foundation of any financial relationship, and it is a lifelong process of learning. The sooner we begin, the better off we will be, because education is the key to financial success. In comparison to other major emerging economies, India has the lowest financial literacy rate, and it has become one of the top priorities for most countries today because it is directly proportional to the country's economic growth.
Through this project, Y4D has taken the initiative to address this problem. The primary goal of this programme is to raise financial literacy awareness among the target population of high school and college students aged 15 and up. Furthermore, the programme is implemented at the cluster level in schools and colleges. Assessments are held at the school and college levels following successful completion of the financial literacy programme syllabus. OASIS provides the certificate of this training course to those who pass the exam of the financial literacy programme (National skill Development Corporation).
We hope to timely educate today's youth financially so that they can make sound and informed financial decisions in their future.

  • Theme :- Livelihood
  • Partner Agency :- Policy Bazaar
  • Direct Beneficiaries :- 6000+
  • Indirect Beneficiaries :- 10000+
  • Location :- Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Donate For The Cause


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