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Build Your Future

Y4D foundation attempts to bridge this widening divide between those who have access to opportunities and those who are increasingly being marginalized from the ‘new economy’ jobs. Y4D foundation have set up a Residential Training center  in Pune which is affiliated  with rural technical training institute to address this issue. Unlike inflexible, conventional training courses that do not keep pace with the ever- changing job markets, Y4D foundation goes beyond rigid curriculum-based learning and adopts flexible, market-oriented learning modules, which are administered by appropriate trainer. The trainers encourage the students to develop their inherent capabilities, identify and articulate their strengths and constraints, and develop solutions to solve them in a self-directed manner. Engaging in one-to-one dialogue with the students, the trainers guide them to learn from their life experiences and take responsibility for their own advancement, as well as that of their families and communities.

USP of this Program

· It is a complete package of technical as well as ‘on the job training (OJT)’ Adopts flexible, market-oriented learning modules

· Provide soft skill training for wholistic approach towards improving youth’s employability

· Qualified trainers encourage the students to develop their inherent capabilities, identify and articulate their strengths and constraints, and develop solutions to solve them in a self-directed manner

· To provide employability skills training in Assistant Operator, Manual Insertion Operator from rural, tribal and urban communities.

· To equip beneficiaries with critical soft skills to support their confidence building so that they manage themselves in a work place.

· To Increase income of beneficiaries through job placement and post placement support.

  • Theme :- Youth Empowerment and Skilling
  • Partner Agency :- Ishanya Foundation
  • Direct Beneficiaries :- 642
  • Indirect Beneficiaries :- 2568
  • Location :- Maharashtra
  • Donate For The Cause


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